Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Mentor

"The Mentor's, " use of diction is using literate words and very captivated, making us wanting to read more. The Mentor is a smart guy that knows what he's talking about using high vocabulary but also making it easy to read for the reader. The author's tone in this manifesto is very aggressive and disappointed.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Conscience of a Hacker

This article was actually really interesting and caught my attention right away. I just love the structure of it and how you can feel the how the author's mood and vibe just by reading it. Liked how he brought up at the end that we're all alike and that there's no way that the government is gonna stop people from being curious.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Reaction To Training Like A Memory Champion

My reaction to this article is that it wasn't that interesting to me, I started to get bored right of the bat. And it's rare for me to get bored while reading something like that.

The Right To Your Opinion

"Know Your Rights"

I personally think it is important that we all should know our rights because in today's world people don't know their rights and end up getting harrassed by the cops and/or get questioned even if the person didn't do anything. But everyone can prevent this from happening if they know their rights. 

Welcome To My First Blog

Welcome! My name is Ulices and this is my first blog ever. I'd love to here your guy's opinion on the stuff I go over.