Monday, January 27, 2020


Today was a very interesting day for our third period class. We talked about our big questions that have been driving us crazy and i'm going to list a few that have caught my attention and I would be interesting in hearing more about. First one that caught my attention was on from Dr. Preston's 2nd period class, "Why are people superstitious?" by Karla, this really caught my attention because i've thought about this myself and i would like to hear more about it but sadly i am not in the class period so i'll probably use my own time to actually look into that instead.
One question that was from my actual class period was by someone named Guadalupe and she had asked, " How will our actions about our ecosystem today influence the future?" This topic has been talked about by a lot of scientist and they all have their own answers but i would like to hear what she has to say about it because topics about our future no matter what it is, global warming, climate change, our ecosystem, etc. really interest me.
One more that had interested me was a question by a classmate of mine named Juan, he had asked, "Will we ever be able to desalinate and drink ocean water?" Now this is a question i have been asking myself since i was very young, ever since the talk about global warming started to come back up and how glaciers in Antarctica are "melting" and how are we going to be able to get fresh water after that? So i'd like to know what he has came up with and if we could possible do that one day. 

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